What to Give When Someone Receives a Terminal Diagnosis

What to Give When Someone Receives a Terminal Diagnosis

When someone has received a terminal diagnosis, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. If you want to provide a practical form of support, here are some ideas of things that you could buy to make them feel loved and help make the rest of their life more comfortable:

Cozy clothing:
Soft, comfortable clothing can be a great help to someone who is dealing with the physical effects of their illness, such as pain or discomfort. Look for items that are made from breathable fabrics and are easy to put on and take off.

Books or audiobooks:
Reading can be a great form of distraction for someone who is dealing with a serious illness. Consider buying books or audiobooks on their favorite topics or genres. It’s an added bonus if you can spend an afternoon at their house reading or listening along with them!

Blankets or throws:
Soft, warm blankets or throws can provide comfort and help someone relax. Look for items made from soft fabrics like faux fur, flannel, and fleece. Make sure it’s easy to wash and does not require dry cleaning.

Meal delivery service:
Preparing meals can be difficult when someone is dealing with a serious illness. Consider purchasing a gift card or subscription to a meal delivery service that can provide healthy, nourishing meals. Instead of Flowers delivers professionally prepared meals with a variety of options to choose from.

Personal care items:
Depending on the person’s needs, personal care items such as moisturizers, lip balm, or skin care products can be a helpful gift. Look for products that are gentle and soothing. Keep in mind if your loved one has any allergies and avoid products that contain irritants.

Comfortable shoes:
Comfortable shoes that are easy to slip on and off can be a great help to someone who is dealing with physical limitations. Look for cozy slippers with good support and slip-resistant soles.

Memory-making items:
Depending on the person’s interests, consider purchasing items that can help them create special memories with loved ones, such as a camera, scrapbooking materials, or a memory book. If they are feeling up to it, talk to your loved one about capturing recordings of highlights from their life or any message that they would like to be shared with future generations. We offer recommendations on a large variety of legacy projects here.

Professional cleaning services:
Keeping a home clean and tidy can be challenging when someone is dealing with a serious illness. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service to help keep their home clean and comfortable.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to be there for the person and provide emotional support. Simply spending time with them and listening can be the best gift of all.

If you’re looking for the right gift to give someone with a terminal diagnosis, check out our gift guides.


Near is your guide for helping you navigate serious illness through the end of life for a loved one.

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