Brand New, Easy-to-Use Care Registry

Brand New, Easy-to-Use Care Registry

Life is a beautiful journey, filled with unforgettable moments and cherished memories. But sometimes, we face difficult challenges, and during those times, we need love, support, and care more than ever.

Introducing Near, a platform that helps family and friends navigate times of serious illness, grief and loss. 

Whether you or a loved one are facing a serious illness, nearing the end of life, or dealing with the pain of grief, the Near Care Registry is here to make things a bit easier during a difficult time. 

At Near we are on a mission to improve the way we care and connect during times of serious illness and grief, and that starts when a difficult time hits. We all know it takes a village to help, and we make it easier to assist during difficult times.

If you or a loved one is facing a difficult time, and is in need of more than just money and meals, we encourage you to create a free care registry for them. Our online store is full of hundreds of creative ideas and meaningful gifts for a variety of situations.

Consider near’s Care registry as a companion on this deeply personal journey, organizing the love care and practical help that you need.

If you are looking for added help during the end of life, our Care directory is full of vetted providers that will assist in the overwhelming logistics and introduce to you solutions you might not have been aware of.

When difficult times are near, so are we. Create a registry today.


Near is your guide for helping you navigate serious illness through the end of life for a loved one.

Based in Raleigh, North Carolina